Canine Influenza Virus (CIV)

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The first case of Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) in Arkansas was just diagnosed this week. The affected dog is here in Fayetteville and has recently made the news, including the fact that the dog has been in daycare.

Please note: We have had no contact with this dog.

CIV is highly contagious and can be deadly. Some sources say 80% of the dogs who are exposed to an affected dog will contract the virus. Other sources say it’s 100% contagious.

We have been watching the progress of CIV throughout the country for some time now, and because it has not previously been diagnosed in our state, we have not mandated vaccinations for CIV. Due to this recent diagnosis, we feel it is necessary for all dogs who attend The Canine Connection to be vaccinated. This is for the safety of your dog and all of our other client dogs. This requirement pertains to ALL dogs who come to our facility, be it for daycare, boarding, training, outdoor training, nail trims, baths, basically any service or consultation we offer.


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